Have you ever had trouble looking for the perfect video to show in your classroom that pertains to a topic you plan to teach that day? Have you ever had the urge to show your kids a science experiement about what happens when you mix Diet Coke and Mentos together, but you don't want the mess? Well, YouTube and TeacherTube are your go-to sources! Both websites provide videos about pretty much anything that you can think of. TeacherTube contains videos that pertain to lesson plans and topics you might teach in your classroom. YouTube, on the other hand, has more of a random variety of videos. Music videos, commercials, how-to's, the Diet Coke and Mentos video...you name it and it's probably on there. I believe both of these sources are effective teaching tools because many students are visual learners, so being able to watch a short video would help those types of students. They are also a fun way to engage students and hopefully motivates them and allows them to learn more creatively.
*To navigate to either website, click on the respective pictures above.*
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